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World Center For Jewish Studies—Rabin Center

Jerusalem - Israel


The Center for Jewish Studies is a research institute - A part of the Hebrew University on Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem. This project is a result of an an architectural design competition (1997) and the construction was completed in 2002.

The building is one of the larges research institutes for Jewish studies in the world. Approximately 100 scholars research various aspects of Judaism such as Kabbalah, Talmud, the Dead Sea scrolls, Jewish history in various parts of the world etc.

The main public space is designed to promote exchange and dialogue between the different disciplines of Jewish studies - this was the vision of Prof. Yair Zakowitch, the head of the center during the initial design process. The research takes place in three terraced wings allowing for “horizontal and vertical dialogue”. The library is the highest component of the building symbolizing the importance of the book in Judaism. Below it are seminar rooms and lecture halls. The roof allows for 360 degrees view including a distant view towards Mt. Nebo across the Jordan valley, from where Moses observed the Holy land.

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